Current sensing unit CSU-2LV is an accessory to the Arc Guard System TVOC-2 when dual conditioning of light and current is needed to prevent nuisance tripping of the Arc Guard System. Designed to be used in low voltage applications. Connect 1-4 current sensors RC120... and RC200... to the CSU-2LV to measure L1-L3 and Neutral. Measures wide range of nominal current 0,25... 4 kA and over current 0,25... 12 kA. The unit sends a continuous light to the TVOC-2 while no over current or error occurs. Settings for over current level, warning current level, measured phases etc. are done in the touch screen or through Modbus RTU communication protocol. K1 signal relay is a change-over contact that can be used to signal over current to other system. Combine the CSU-2LV with accessories TVOC-2-OP... to daisy chain several current sensing units and to connect ot TVOC-2 main unit. Rated supply voltage 24... 240 V AC, 24... 250 V DC.